Unit 2: Changing Climate
SDG 13: Climate Action
2.1 Causes of Global Climate Change
Why the earth is a closed system:
Matter neither enters nor leaves the atmospheric system (apart from meteorites)
Only energy (from the sun) is naturally transferred outside the atmosphere.
The Atmosphere:
One of Earth's interconnected sub-systems, along with the geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere.
Energy flows between these sub-systems, enabling Earth to function as an integrated system.
Atmosphere levels (bottom to top):
Troposphere: where weather forms
Stratosphere: ozone layer
Mesosphere: meteors burn
Thermosphere: ISS + low orbit satellites
Major Greenhouse Gasses:
Carbon Dioxide
Nitrous Oxide
The Natural Greenhouse Effect:
Sustains life on Earth.
Sunlight enters the atmosphere as shortwave radiation; some is absorbed by Earth's surface, while the rest is reflected as longwave radiation. Greenhouse gases absorb part of this reflected radiation, warming the planet.
Emitted radiation:
Infrared (IR) rays
Incoming radiation:
Ultraviolet (UV) rays
Global dimming: a significant decrease in the sun's energy reaching the Earth's surface, due to pollution/partials in the atmosphere.
Causes of global dimming:
Air pollution: decreases the amount of sunlight reaching the planet. This is because aerosols or small particles are formed from pollutants that reflect and absorb radiation. Subsequently, this radiation is not able to reach the ground.
Volcanic Activity
Milankovitch cycles: periodic changes in the orbital characteristics of a planet that control how much sunlight it receives, thus affecting its climate.
Positive Feedback Loop:
A process that exacerbates the effect of change
Example 1: Rising global temperatures melt permafrost, releasing methane, a greenhouse gas that absorbs longwave radiation. This accelerates warming, further melting permafrost and releasing more methane, creating a feedback loop.
Example 2: Rising global temperatures reduce snow and ice cover, replacing them with low-albedo ocean water that absorbs more heat, further increasing temperatures.
Negative Feedback Loop:
A process that reduces the effect of change and helps maintain balance
Example 1: Higher atmospheric carbon dioxide boosts photosynthesis, increasing plant growth and biomass, which helps reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
Example 2: Higher precipitation in low latitudes can increase evaporation, leading to more snowfall on polar ice caps and potentially lowering the global temperature.
Albedo: the fraction of short-wave radiation that a surface reflects.
Global climate change: changes in global climatic systems. The term includes changes to precipitation, wind speed and temperature.
Global warming: increases in global temperatures
The natural greenhouse effect: when insolation is absorbed by the Earth's surface, and natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere maintain temperatures that support life.
The enhanced greenhouse effect: Human-emitted greenhouse gases increase global temperatures by trapping more heat, contributing to climate change.
Sources of Carbon Dioxide:
Human: Burning fossil fuels for energy, vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and deforestation.
Physical: Respiration from plants, animals, and soil, and carbon dioxide from oceans.
Sources of Methane:
Human: Fossil fuel burning and landfill waste decomposition.
Physical: Wetlands.
How Globalisation Affects the Greenhouse Gas Effect:
Increased movement of people leads to higher greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
Global trade growth increases the transportation of goods by sea.
During global recessions, reduced consumer confidence lowers product demand, leading to decreased emissions from non-renewable energy use.
How Growth in the Global Middle Class Affects the Greenhouse Gas Effect:
Diet change: Higher meat consumption increases methane and carbon dioxide emissions from animals.
Car ownership: More people buying cars increases greenhouse gas emissions from vehicle use.
Air travel: Increased air travel results in more aeroplane emissions.
2.2 Consequences of global climate change
Hydrosphere: the areas of the planet containing water in three forms: gas, solid, and liquid.
Biosphere: the layer of the planet in which organisms can live, meaning the land, the sea and the atmosphere.
Atmosphere: a layer of gases held to the earth's surface by gravity.
Influence of Climate Change on the Biosphere:
Higher global temperatures increase evaporation, reducing freshwater availability and harming vegetation growth, while melting permafrost allows new vegetation to grow in previously inhospitable areas, increasing biodiversity in polar regions.
Rising temperatures melt icecaps, threatening the habitats of animals like polar bears.
More frequent extreme weather events, such as cyclones, increase the risk of damage to coastal areas.
Interdependence between the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere:
Warmer temperatures allow air to hold more water vapour.
Increased evaporation reduces Earth's surface water, potentially leading to insufficient precipitation to replenish freshwater stores.
Rising sea temperatures, alongside global temperatures, enable oceans to store more carbon.
Reasons for Sea Level Rise:
Thermal expansion: As ocean temperatures rise, water expands, increasing sea levels.
Melting of land-based ice: The melting of glaciers and ice sheets adds water to the oceans, surpassing the evaporation rate.
Economic Consequences of Melting Ice:
Potential Benefits from greater land available:
Agricultural development for arable or pastoral farming.
Construction of factories and infrastructure, boosting employment, tax revenue, and GDP.
Mining of minerals for trade, increasing employment and GDP.
In the short term, it will provide fresh water for downstream communities and support irrigation and crop yields.
Economic Problems from Rising Oceans:
Coastal flooding may result in the loss of homes, industries, and infrastructure, leading to significant economic losses in property and employment.
How Melting Polar Ice Will Affect Ocean Currents:
Melting polar ice alters ocean temperature and salinity, disrupting thermohaline circulation, or the Global Ocean Conveyor.
The influx of freshwater decreases the salt level and density of the North Atlantic Ocean, preventing water from sinking and circulating through the deep ocean.
Disruption of the Global Ocean Conveyor will affect warmer oceanic currents, such as those in the North Atlantic, leading to cooling in Western Europe.
Climate Change’s Effect on Carbon Stores:
Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may boost plant growth.
Wildfires, caused by reduced precipitation, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere instead of being stored in the geosphere through decomposition.
As carbon sinks, oceans will absorb more anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Consequences of Melting Permafrost:
Melting permafrost releases methane and carbon dioxide, which are greenhouse gases that exacerbate global climate change.
Roads and infrastructure may be damaged due to loss of stability.
Landslides can occur, potentially affecting nearby communities and freshwater movement within drainage basins.
Sediment released from melting permafrost can disrupt aquatic ecosystems.
Contaminated soil may release toxins, leading to diseases like anthrax.
Ocean acidification: a reduction in the pH of the ocean caused by an increase in the amount of carbon stored in the oceans.
Consequences of Ocean Acidification:
Ocean acidification contributes to rising global temperatures, as oceans absorb 90% of longwave radiation, forming carbonic acid.
Marine ecosystems are disrupted; species that rely on carbonate for shells and skeletons are affected as carbonate decreases with acidity. Weaker shells dissolve, and coral skeletons dissolve faster than they can form.
Coral bleaching also occurs due to rising temperatures impacting algae, which provide food, energy, and colour for corals.
Commercial and subsistence fishing are impacted by weakened food chains, negatively affecting food security, employment, and GDP.
Drought: an extended period of unusually dry weather with insufficient rainfall.
How Climate Change Exacerbates Drought:
Higher temperatures increase evaporation from surface water, soil, and vegetation, leading to drier conditions on land.
This results in a global increase in the frequency and duration of droughts.
In mid-latitude regions, longer dry periods are followed by shorter, more intense rainfall events.
Biome: a region of the world with a large, distinct, biological community that has developed as a response to shared physical, geographical and climatic characteristics.
Desertification: the process of land turning into desert.
How Climate Change Affects Desertification:
Rising temperatures increase droughts and reduce regular rainfall, making it harder for vegetation to survive.
People will need to search further for firewood and food for their animals, further depleting vegetation in the region.
Reduced vegetation leads to less carbon dioxide absorption, causing more carbon dioxide to remain in the atmosphere, exacerbating global climate change.
How Global Climate Change has affected animal migration:
towards the poles where it is cooler;
higher up mountains where it is cooler;
towards the equator where it is wetter
The Effect of Glaciers Melting on Agricultural Yields:
Short-Term Benefits:
Increased meltwater provides more crop irrigation and ensures animal pasture availability, boosting agricultural yields.
Surplus water can be stored during dry seasons when water is scarce.
Long-Term Costs:
Over time, the glacier will no longer supply meltwater, leaving no freshwater source for agriculture.
Farmers may face challenges with rich sediment carried by meltwater or difficulty predicting the amount of water available for irrigation.
Vector-borne diseases: diseases spread by insects, e.g. Malaria.
Water-borne diseases: diseases spread by consuming water containing bacteria and chemicals, e.g. Cholera.
Climate Change Impacts on Vector-Borne Diseases:
Warmer temperatures allow vectors to spread to northern and southern latitudes and higher altitudes, increasing disease transmission.
Higher temperatures accelerate the development of viruses within vectors and extend breeding seasons.
Extreme weather events like cyclones and floods provide ideal breeding grounds for vectors.
Climate Change Impacts on Water-Borne Diseases:
Warmer temperatures can expand the spread of diseases like cholera.
Increased temperatures encourage more people to use water for recreation (e.g., swimming), potentially increasing exposure to pathogens.
Extreme weather events disrupt water and sanitation systems, allowing bacteria to contaminate water supplies.
Why Climate Change Could Attract People to a Place:
Shifting from a polar to a more temperate climate could make a region more appealing.
The development of primary and secondary industries in areas that were once permafrost zones could attract people seeking new jobs.
Melting polar ice opens up new transportation routes and ports, attracting workers to these emerging areas.
2.3 Responding to global climate change
Risk: the probability of gaining or losing something of value. In the context of global climate change, it is the possibility of a consequence, which more often negative.
Vulnerability: the susceptibility of individuals and societies to an event taking place.
Risk is the future potential of an event or consequence taking place. The level of vulnerability for people or places suggests the level of risk (positive or negative) being faced.
Factors affecting vulnerability:
Level of wealth.
Level of education.
Why Gender Increases Vulnerability to Climate Change:
In areas with more female farmers, declining rainfall forces women to travel longer distances for water and food, impacting their health.
In some communities, women have limited decision-making power, leading to marginalization and unequal access to resources like water.
Women may have lower coping abilities in certain situations; for example, they might not know how to swim, putting them at a disadvantage during events like cyclones.
The increased risk of human trafficking after hazardous events disproportionately affects women, increasing their vulnerability.
How Economic Factors Can Increase the Risks of Global Climate Change:
Lack of government funding for adaptation strategies, such as offshore barriers to protect coastal areas, increases vulnerability to rising sea levels.
Countries with strong primary industries, like commercial farming, face greater risk as they rely on reliable rainfall for crops. Climate change can significantly reduce their incomes.
Individuals or communities without savings may struggle to recover from losses caused by climate events.
Lack of health insurance access or affordability increases vulnerability to contagious diseases.
People unable to afford private transportation may face difficulty evacuating during extreme events.
Mitigation: the process of making something less severe and dangerous. In the context of global climate change, it refers to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Adaptation: actions to help communities and ecosystems cope with the consequences of global climate change.
Carbon offsetting: when individuals and companies compensate for their greenhouse gas emissions by investing in schemes that balance emissions produced and absorbed.
Different Stakeholders Involved in Carbon Offsetting:
Multi-government organisations establish schedules for countries to meet and address climate change.
Governments create Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to commit to reducing emissions.
Corporations look for carbon offsetting opportunities to reduce their emissions when necessary.
NGOs develop and support projects that governments, corporations, and individuals can invest in.
Individuals purchase carbon offsets to balance their personal emissions.
Carbon Trading Systems:
a system where companies are given an allowance (carbon credit) for the amount of greenhouse gases they can emit each year.
Companies that exceed their allowances can purchase additional permits from those with a surplus.
This system encourages greenhouse gas emission reductions, as companies face financial penalties if they exceed their allowances.
Carbon sequestration: the capturing and removal of atmospheric carbon.
Geoengineering: the large-scale manipulation of a specific process central to controlling Earth's climate to obtain a specific benefit.
Civil society organisation (CSO): A group of people operating in the community in a way distinct from government and business.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Cloud seeding
Space mirrors
A lack of geological data in some regions makes underground storage difficult.
Biologic storage requires sustained vegetation maintenance to resist deforestation
Carbon storage efforts can alter the local climate, such as reducing rainfall.
Continuous processes are necessary for carbon storage to be effective.
The cost of transporting materials into space is very high.
More research is needed to assess the viability of these methods.